14 September 2010

Tervetuloa kuuntelemaan vuoden 2010
Democratic Deficit: The Challenge of Raising Youth Participation
Professor, Canada Research Chair in Electoral Studies
Université de Montréal
Torstaina, syyskuun 23. päivänä 2010 klo 13:30
Paikka: Turun yliopisto, Publicumin sali 3, Assistentinkatu 7
Turun korkeakoulujen yhteiskunnallistaloudellinen
tutkimusyhdistys r.y.
Åbohögskolornas förening för social och ekonomisk
forskning r.f.

01 September 2010

The Institute for Educational Research, University of Oslo (contact person: Jon Lauglo, PFI) presents
Henry Milner, Université de Montreal
The internet Generation:
Engaged Citizens or Political Dropouts?
Open guest lecture followed by discussion
1400-1630. Thursday 30. September
Undervisningsrom 2, Georg Sverdrups Hus (Universitetsbiblioteket)
Milner's book looks at the United States, Canada, Scandinavia, and the European Union to probe the decline of youth voting and attentiveness to politics, and to draw lessons about institutions that could break down the wall between political life and “real” life that underlies political abstention among the Internet Generation. Civic Education is the key to instill habits of attentiveness to public affairs, especially among potential political dropouts. He looks at issues and the stance of political parties on them, he looks to the classroom, including visits, simulations, and innovative use of media, old and new.

31 August 2010

14 August 2010

Orebro University

Offentlig föreläsning:
The Internet Generation. Engaged Citizens or Political Dropouts
Datum: 2010-09-21 Tid: 18:30
Plats: Aulan, Universitetsbiblioteket
Henry Milner, professor vid universitetet i Montreal.

12 August 2010

Tulevat tapahtumat

"Democratic Deficit: The Challenge of Raising Youth Participation". A public lecture by Henry Milner Professor, Université de Montréal. Comments by Niklas Wilhelmsson, L.Soc.Sc.,Senior Planning Officer, Ministry of Justice and Kari Paakkunainen, L.Soc.Sc., University of Helsinki, Finnish Youth Research Society. Friday 24 September 2010, 2.15 – 4 pm, Swedish School of Social Science, Snellmansgatan 12, Helsinki, lecture hall 210

11 May 2010

22 April 2010

The Internet Generation

Engaged Citizens or Political Dropouts

An investigation of political disengagements among young people in North America and Europe.

Dispite rising levels of education and mounting calls for encreased democratic participation, recent years have seen a significant decline on voter turnout in many countries, and the erosion of the sense of civic duty that brought earlier generations to the polls.

Henry Milner looks at the United States, Canada, Scandinavia, and the European Union to probe the decline of youth voting and attentiveness to politics, and draw lessons about institutions that could break down the wall between political life and "real" life that underlies political abstention among the Internet Generation. Civic education is the key to instill habits of attentiveness to public affairs, especially among potential political dropouts.
Milner sets out a series of ways to bring the issues - and the political parties´ stance on them - to the classroom, including visits, simulations, and innovative use of media, old and new.

Henry Milner is a political scientist at the University of Montreal in Canada and Umeå University in Sweden, and co-editor of Inroads, a Canadian journal of policy and opinion.