"Civic Literacy is a remarkable book in its scope of comparative analysis, theoretical insights, and implications for reform."
- Public Opinion Quartely
"An important book that effectively summarizes current research, advances our understanding of the impact of knowledge on political participation, and demarcates new areas of productive inquiry."
- Journal of Politics
"An impirically rich book with a new argument about one of the most important questions in political sience."
- American Political Sience Review: Perspective on Politics
" The book provides a remarkable synthesis of data from a variety of sources on Western Democracy, and Milner accomplishes an amazing amount in a brief volume."
- Political Communication
"It takes a brave and creative scholar to cover such a broad sweep of material and try to wrap it up into one empirically and theoretically cogent package. The result in this case is a challenging, provocative and thoroughly engaging book."
- West European Politics
"This refreshing investigation is enlightening and well-written."
- Public Performance and Management Review